--- name: first: Raffaele family: Mignone address: first: Via S. Crispino, n. 1 theme: color: green email: raffaele.mignone@norangeb.it cron-sections: - section: Education entries: - year: 2015--2018 degree: Computer science institution: Unisannio city: Benevento grade: Bacherol Degree - year: 2010--2015 degree: Scientific specialization institution: Liceo G. Rummo city: Benevento grade: High School Diploma sections: - section: Thesis items: - left: Bacherol Thesis right: \emph{An analysis of the ARCore toolkit for augmented reality in a mobile environment} - section: Technical Skills items: - left: Languages right: Haskell, Kotlin, Python, Java, C - left: SCM Tools right: Git, Drone CI, Gradle, Travis CI - left: Other right: MVVM Android Development, TDD, Docker - section: Languages items: - left: English right: Good ---